Friday, March 27, 2009

Smile... it's a start.

It's cliche... but sometimes all you need is a smile.

Once upon a time, I was a freshman at Oshkosh North High School, and I ate school lunch. Everyday I would slug through a line of ravenous high school eaters to order my usual: turkey and mozzarella on wheat. And everyday, I paid the same lunch lady. And she never smiled. My mission: get the lunch lady to grin. Just once.

Just an average day and the same routine: turkey and mozzarella on wheat. Same progression through the same line. But this was it. As I approached to pay the lunch lady, I flashed a smile, handed her my cash, and asked simply, "What's your name?"

A pause. A hesitation. A look in the eye. A gentle whisper. A small grin. "Betty."

"Hi, Betty! I'm Katy. It's nice to meet you. I hope you have a great day!"

"You too."

Mission accomplished.

There's power in knowing someone's name. There's importance in a smile.

Challenge: smile. At friends and family. And total strangers on the train or bus. At yourself in the mirror. You might be surprised by the result.


Anastasia said...

thanks for reading bo rap (bohemian rhapsody)!
is this the start to a story or just a random chapter?
either way, i think it's really lovely.
i actually got up and smiled at myself in the mirror.
*hair flip*
i don't mean to sound selfish but my smile in pretty awesome!
anyway, this is the start to a great blog/story.


PS: i found you on flickr! lol i added you as my friend! but be afraid it's only me :] lol

MonicaDee said...

such a wonderful and powerful, yet simple thing: a smile. Many people see me as 'the one that you can count on for a smile' and I'm blessed to have been able to bless people with such a simple gesture. A smile..

Be the change you wish to see in the world :)

I want to see happiness ...

so I'm going to SMILE.

EmFabulousFunshine said...

I followed you from a comment you left at bo rap...i like your message :)