Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When Earth Day comes

Yes, yes recycle..not just on earth day but EVERYDAY! Or at least once a week! Yes recycling is such an important thing but there is so much that helps the earth its pretty crazy! Personally i think earth isn't just about the earth itself but also about helping out people on the earth. I mean technically if your helping the earth you are also making the earth better for you and me, right? So i do suggest if you can recylce, get yourself pollution and global warming , walk instead of taking your car but also volunteer! Volunteer in anything you want! It doesn't have to be cleaning up garbage or getting your hands dirty, it can be helping the homeless, it going to the nearest animal shelter. If you can, do a big project like a bakesale to raise money!
There is so much out there nowadays I could go on for days and days but instead why not google some sites??
Good luck
Happpy EARTH DAY!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Send some Snail Mail!

When was the last time you got a letter in mail,an actual envelope in front you that you could touch that wasn't a bill or advertisement?

Writing a letter so simple, yet with technology we have forgotten all about it. So how about sending a letter: short or long. All you need is paper, an envelope and a stamp. Receiving a letter now is such a special gift. So if you know anybodies birthday is coming up send the some snail mail! But it doesn't even have to be a special occasion! Just send a letter to someone to cheer them up with a special message trust me they will be surprised!
To tell the truth I myself wasn't to excited myself about mail but Katy made me see how beautiful mail is. How you can actually hold it in your hands and know that a person took the time to write the note. That it had traveled through hands and maybe machines to get to where it is now in your hands.
So think about sending some snail mail instead of email won't you?

P.S thanks Katy for showing me that snail mail is way more special than i thought :)